Top 11 Favorite Websites

Facebook – I love to keep up with friends and family, as well as the latest news stories. And I can’t go without seeing how my favorite celebrities and musicians are doing.

Etsy – If you want to buy and/or sell things that are homemade and original, you’d love this site. They have everything from handmade furniture to baked goods, and things that sometimes you really can’t explain. I have bought so many things from this website. Everyone is so nice and it feels like a big family. If there’s something that you’ve been searching for and can’t find it anywhere, check here. You might be surprised.

Craigslist – I can’t help it. I browse Craigslist on a daily basis. I am intrigued by the “Missed Connections” section of the personals. Something about the posts of the seemingly hopeless souls that are kicking themselves for not speaking up as they write to some pretty blonde they saw at the store that will never even see it.

All Women Stalk – This website talks about everything. I learn something new and exciting every day. It has articles about dating and weddings to weight loss and traveling, as well as keeping you up-to-date about the latest fashion. And so much more. Where is the LOVE button?

StumbleUpon – This is one of the coolest sites. Well, it’s more like a site of sites. You pick interests from a big list of categories and it shows you webpages that have to do with those specific categories. You can give each page a thumbs up or thumbs down so it can better understand what you like. It pulls up websites from all corners of the web.

Google – I’m the kind of girl that researches anything I don’t know about. If I come across a word or a disease I don’t know about, I will Google it. I also use this on a daily basis.

Pandora – I would go crazy if I didn’t have this to listen to at work. It’s so quiet here, and it’s nice to hear great music all day long. Jason Mraz Radio is where it’s at.

YouTube – YouTube videos are so addicting. The other day I saw a video about a boy’s brush with death and 10 “Related Videos” later, I was watching videos from Britain’s Got Talent. How did THAT happen? I’m also a huge fan of The Philip DeFranco Show – I’ve been a fan for over 3 years already.

Ping-o-matic! – If you have a blog, you’d love this site. When you post an update, you enter in your blog name and URL and click “Send Pings.” It sends your blog information to multiple search engines to let them know it’s been updated.

MorgueFile – This is wonderful. It’s a site that has copyright-free images you can use on your personal website without worrying about copyright laws.

Blogger – Obviously.

Top 12 Pet Peeves

1.  People who one-up you.

A: I’m so tired. I had to cut my grandma’s yard today.
B: You think that’s bad, I had to cut 7 acres on my uncle’s farm.

2.  Whistling. Especially that quivering kind.

3.  Impatient people. Your server might be having to prep something in the kitchen per their boss’s orders before coming to your table. And the old lady in front of you at the drive-thru might have gotten mayonnaise on her chicken sandwich after asking for it without. Things can’t always go as fast as you want them to. Fact of life.

4.  When someone uses the last of the toilet paper and doesn't put a new roll in.

5.  Movie talkers. Sweet Jesus, Mary and Joseph, SHUT YOUR TRAPS!

6.  People who interrupt or talk over you.

"Ah, you mean people who just dominate the conversation and you can't even talk to them... may as well have a nap and wake up when they are done."

Yes, yes I do.

7.  Slow drivers.

8.  People who don’t use “you’re” and “your” correctly.

9.  People who wrongly assume. If those words didn’t come out of my mouth, don’t twist it to make it seem like I did.

10.  Hypocrites. The people that live by the phrase, “do as I say, not as I do.”

11.  Packrats and hoarders. If you haven’t used it in a few months or so, it’s best to get rid of it.

12.  When someone takes out the trash and doesn't put a new trashbag in the can.